{happy half birthday...to you and you}
last week we had the pleasure of celebrating the girls' half birthdays. this is something i've decided we will do as a family to try and blur the fact that their birthdays are in December...five days apart! (note the feeling of guilt i bear)
As is tradition on their whole birthdays...we began the morning with pancakes and a song to the half birthday girls...
{then it was the big girl's turn}As is tradition on their whole birthdays...we began the morning with pancakes and a song to the half birthday girls...
{bean...playing shy}
{it last but a moment...and then, the cheese face}
{proud to be four AND A HALF!}
we spent the day with some new friends the girls lovingly refer to as "the boys"...as opposed to all the girl friends they have:) and we obviously had to bring the celebration with us...by means of krispie squares with chipits and sprinkles...mmmM!
overall, a great day was had by all...and I can't believe they're growing so fast!
here's a small sampling of the artwork done by the resident four and A HALF year old of our home...
overall, a great day was had by all...and I can't believe they're growing so fast!
here's a small sampling of the artwork done by the resident four and A HALF year old of our home...
{it's a butterfly, a flower, a tree, wind, some rain, birds, a cloud...and my name}
{and here's some of her printing}
awesome drawings/writing!
happy half birthdays, Karys & Avery! :)
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