Thursday, June 17, 2010

{thankful thursday}

well, it's that time of the week already...thank the good Lord! as for me and my house...we couldn't be happier about the swiftness of this week...

as much as we would love to be devoting all this time preparing for the upcoming celebration of Father's Day for the Daddy of the house...

my family is setting up for approaching chaos in the form of a traditional pay tribute to my Dad...and for us to receive our traditional names...

and one may think "well, then why are you wanting this week to go quickly?"

the answer would be, "because we have been planning this for VERY long now. the pressure that comes along with carrying out a traditional ceremony without the traditional knowledge to aid in understanding slightly impedes the process."

so I am thankful...for my heritage and the ability to aid the renewal of 'tradition'...but I am also thankful that this time has almost come to an end. for countless months now, I have been unable to think past June 20th, 2010. even now, once sunday evening rolls along (because I know it will) i will find myself unable to grasp the thought of not having to "do" something by way of planning for this event.

*sigh*...i AM thankfull

thankful that our little family has made it to this point...thankful that my guy has supported me throughout this entire process of planning and stressing and carrying on. thankful that we've been able to celebrate an early Father's Day for my guy, with some really cute crafts by the girls and some creative pictures from me - along with a few added surprizes. (post on that to come after the bedlam)

thankful for surviving this day with the girls without having any of us going to be sad, upset, or...? it's been one of those days, and i am thankful that it's done. thrive (as in survive, but better) through this weekend...

by the never-ending grace of God!


(i'll leave you with a sampling of my Father's Day post...)


kelly ens said...

sounds pretty special!
looking forward to the father's day post...that picture of the girls is adorable!