Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letting Go...

Yup - I'm letting go! And have been for a while now! As a christian, I find that there are many aspects of life that I could get very caught-up in, fret over, overwhelmed with; but I choose (or try to most of the time) to let go...and let God take control! Because, afterall, He does know more about the outcome than I ever will!!

So, an example of my letting go was played out today as I...

sent Karys...

off to her...


Yes, I am yelling that! Can you believe that I let my daughter go to preschool?! I can't! Not that I am opposed to preschool by any means - I just never thought I'd get to that point in my motherhood...ever! I am slowly letting go! Very slowly I'd suggest...being that it is Novemeber in 2 days!
So...for the past 3 days I have gone to preschool with Karys for short visits each day for her to get familiar with the building, staff and children. And each day I would remind that on Thursday we would come back to school, but this time Mummy would leave and Karys would have fun and, after lunch, Gram would come and pick her up! It all sounds find and good, but I have done this several times before in attempts to leave her in a similar setting, but to no avail; thus, my apprehension!! Surprisingly, this morning she told me how the whole day would play out, and said it pretty matter-of-factly!
`'s our a nutshell...
We packed Karys' lunch...
She ate a good breakfast...
Got all ready...
And ready to go!!!

Then we arrived...
And she made herself right at home!

~Thank the Lord for a loving place for our big girl to meet new friends and learn new things! And...that I was able to wait 30 whole minutes before phoning the school to find out how she was doing!


Barley Girl said...

you are so very funny.
she will be fine and you wil too..
and it will be so exciting for you to see all the things she learns!!!
way to go on letting go!! waht a BIG step!!( for you!!)
love ya.