I KNOW!!! I've been MIA for a while! But, all in good reason! I promise!! With this move and settling in and going to work and needing to pack up the rest of the house...I've been a bit preoccupied!
Anyhoo...enough excuses, at least it's only one day late, and not non-existent!! Here goes this week's list.....
.:1:. Today is Avery's Nine Month Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! wahhhhhhh!!! My baby is getting soooo big!! And as much as that is a good thing, because she's learning and thriving and oh-so-cute - I just wish I had my bitty baby back!! Nothing lasts forever, but I sure wish newborns and kittens did!!
.:2:. ummm...next would be...Nailing a 20km run in honour of my baby's nine month b-day and MY birthday present to ME! Yup...I did it!! 20km clocked and only 1.1 left to reach my goal of a Half Marathon!! Whoa - only one month left!!
.:3:. One last trip up to the Cariboo to say goodbye and finish packing up the rest of the house! Not that I enjoyed doing all that packing, but I loved that we got to go alone, that we had a lot of help, and that we were able to pay one last visit to a place that was nice to call "home" for a year!!
.:4:. The newly found excitement of being involved! Now that we are in a place we hope to remain, we are excited about planting roots and getting involved! There are so many opportunities here for us and, primarily, the girls!! I am looking into getting Karys into Music and Dance! So exciting!!
.:5:. My first call into work! I know that some may turn their noses up to the 6am call into work at "such and such" a school, with "so and so" aged children...but I am soooo glad to be back on the TOC list, and am welcoming those wee AM phone calls!! This week I went in for a Gr.6 class with no day-plan! So, we made decorations for their next day "Fun Day" and played outside!! Whoa - hold back your excitement!!
.:6:. Sushi...mmmmmmmm!! Mom called us on our way back down to the coast to see if we would like to order Sushi for dinner?! DUH!! We've been living in Hicksville! Read: Sushi is an anomaly! Of course we'd enjoy some sushi!! And enjoy.we.did!
.:7:. Getting to run my first (and hopefully not last) 20 km run around one of the nicest routes in the province!! My only regret is that I didn't snag any pics of it before we left! But imagine if you will: a dirt trail, around two adjoining lakes, through a heritage site, the middle of nowhere! Yup...it's that nice!! Even when your limping and trying to stop the back spasms!
Looks a little something like this....
.:8:. Getting back in touch with all the people I have tried to forget about for the past year! If you don't know me that well, I am a people-person! Relationships are very important to me and although I don't have many friends, the ones I have are very special to me! SO, given this recent move, MUCH closer than before, I am excited to be more of a part of those lives I've missed! And meet those babies that are soon to arrive!! Come ON Baby Ens!!!!
.:9:. Missing my babies! I know some may consider us selfish and/or awful parents for not taking our girls with us for the 1 1/2 day treck up to the Cariboo and back...but (as bad as it may sound) the break was nice. And it really help us both realize that life is NOTHING without them!! We are so blessed with the children we have!! And...absence does make the heart grow fonder, if not for but a moment! Until #1 starts to reef on #2's hair and watch her scream...I think there was even a slight bit of glee in her eyes!
.:10:. Now...this is a happy/sad one! As much as I LOVE birthdays...especially mine...I am getting to an age in my life where I just want the numbers to cease increasing!! I really liked the ring of "26"!! But seeing as how that is long past (;P), I figure I'll simply cling to the ease at which those numbers flow off my tongue! So, yup, tomorrow's my Birthday! I still get "little girl" excited about it, and..."little girl" disappointed at the lack of attention it is paid as of late - what with babies and jobs, who has time to celebrate?! However, I still hold on to that little ray of hope...that one day...some day....someone may throw me a HUGE surprise birthday party! And then all those years of waiting will have paid off! And...until then, I'll be happy for the ways in which my loved ones show their gratitude for my entering the world!
So...hope your week/wkend have been enjoyable! And I hope that this - meals, life, sleeping patterns...and Blogging - will soon regain feelings of normalcy!
Happy Birthday! Hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather.
happy belated..
love ya!
I hope you get your surprise birthday too! And as for the running thing - WOW. And no need to feel guilty about leaving the children. Time away can be blessed (and needed) And then you're right, you see what you missed and love them all the more! I hope this year is your best yet and that you do get to plant deep roots in your new-old community. I'd also love to see house pics, life pics etc.
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