Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday's Love List....

Whoa...that was quick!! I thought time flew when I stayed home! It goes 2x as fast when I'm at home and at work!'s my attempt to remember the 10 things I enjoyed about this week!

.:1:. The wedding is DONE! Man, what a feat! We enjoyed 2/3's of the ceremony! Given that it ended up being 3 hours long, I think we did pretty good! And, I think that we all were glad to be able to expereince such a unique ceremony - with tradition dancers and drummers! The girls behaved beautifully!!

.:2:. Vegging with friends - after we invited ourselves over! HA!! Jim needed somewhere/thing to escape to and look forward to after getting through with the wedding, so I invited ourselves over to our friends' place and we enjoyed their company! But, I'll refrain from speaking for them and saying they enjoyed our venting!

.:3:. That it's Friday! Duh...I know...but this week, in particular, was a challenge to get through! My sister and her 'husband' left for a week after their wedding and my Mom volunteered to watch their daughter. Now, all of this would have been fine had we never moved in with her! But seeing as how she had made the commitment long before she even knew we were moving, she was obviously going to stick to it! What that meant for us was that we had a house with 3 kids aged 2 1/2 and under! Suffice it to say "I am so glad that my kids are mine! And they are sooo good!"
.:4:. My daughter's creativity!! I came out into the backyard the other afternoon, fearing what I would find! Given that Karys had been back there for a while, very quietly, I think my fear was justified! But, to my surprise, this is what I found!! She had creatively crafted herself a resting the sandbox!

.:5:. My creativity! I know..tooting my own horn...but I remember as a child how much I LOVED making forts! And, the other night we had some down time and didn't want to watch TV! So, I decided to introduce Karys to the art of "fort-making"!

I think she liked it!

.:6:. Avery's new, oh-so-true shirt...and her ever increasing cuteness!! I still could eat her up...entirely!
Sit still....Thank you:)

.:7:. The new view I get to enjoy while running! Nothing else like it!

.:8:. Finding things out:) This week, both Jim and I were able to find out what we'd both be making at our jobs! I know it sounds silly, but both of us did accept and begin our jobs with no knowledge of what we'd be getting paid!! But something is better than nothing!! Anyhow - it's nice to know!
.:9:. doing it and consuming it!! Should do more of the former and less of the latter!! But, either way, it's enjoyable to create and taste the results! Unfortunately, nothing I make ever lasts as long as it is expected to!
.:10:. And....tonight's dinner! Home-made pizza! Mmmmm! Always enjoyable and even moreso when there's a bit of dough left over to make fresh cinnamon buns...which I did!!
~So, that's all folks! Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

We were totally fine with the venting, AND felt honoured that you would come visit our den of chaos!!!!!
The Rowdy Rempels!

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing! Another interesting peak into the Boschmann family's life!

Suzy said...

Good luck on your first half marathon, it's really exciting accomplishment. I hope you are really proud of yourself! I'm proud of you. what a gorgeous view you have...I'm curious where you live in BC?

Christina B said...

Hey Suzy - we sure enjoy the view!! We live in Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast!! Ever been here??

kelly ens said...

#7. Now that i've seen it with my own eyes, i am so all over that one!

Barley Girl said...

love the love list as always.
hope youare geting out there and running...just two more weeks..!