6:: Jaded beauty. Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
HA...sorry! but I think the question should read "HOW has the world's definition of beauty jaded you?"
To be completely honest, the world's definition of beauty has always jaded me...and it continues to do so.
It is something I have always struggled with...and, by the grace of God, something I will be less jaded by as I grow older and deeper in my realization of importance and perfection through Christ.
I can honestly remember being jaded by "beauty" as early as Gr. 1!! Can you believe that?!?! Grade ONE! I would have been 6 years old...and already made to feel that I didn't measure up.
Those feelings of "falling short" in the beauty department continued through the rest of my adolescence in some way or another...whether it be fashion trends I could not be a part of because the items weren't made in my size, or simply being visually fed that offensive barrage of cover-shots on magazines that just scream "you'll never look like me; therefore, you'll never EVER measure up."
I tried everything.you.could.imagine. to try and "fit in" to the world's standards...all the while battling my thoughts of what the Bible says is truth, and true beauty.
I spent many, many tear-filled nights on my Mum's bed screaming at her to stop telling me I was beautiful, because I felt she HAD to say that...after all, she was my mother!
So yes...I've certainly been jaded by the world's definition of beauty...and I still am.
My only prayer is that I can rise above that and raise my girls to be confident women of God a lot sooner than it's taken me!
you are beautiful...say that out LOUD! And...believe it!!
it really is amazing how society has messed with us so much. amazing in such a sad way.
Lots to ponder on Christina. Thank you for being so vulnerable in sharing from your heart.
Oh my dear chripy T. You speak such truth. such painful truth.
My goal...that my girls will never know the pain and suffering that comes with judging ourselves against the worlds standards of beauty. thanks for sharing.
Love K
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