Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A bit of this...and that!

So many pictures on our camera...not much really to say about them...they're pretty self-explanatory! We've been at the lake for a while, we've been having fun summer days! We've been seeking God's will and searching His word for advice!
I feel as though our life-circumstances, and those of some friends, have been forcing me to face my weaknesses - as in patience, surrender, and trust! But facing your weaknesses is not a bad thing, humbling, but not bad!! As much as I hate going through this and hate hearing of friends going through tough times, I know that these times are necessary for me, as a Christian, to develop my character! But, being me, I often feel as though I have done enough for right now! Honestly, I sometimes feel like "Just leave me alone with my under-developed character, who struggles with these issues and I'll let ya know when I am going to be willing to fit facing them into my schedule!" And, it seems, in those times, when I am not ready or willing to fight for what's right, that I am thrown into circumstances that force me to take a sobering look at who I really am and what I struggle with and what I truly believe! And although this may sound deep and preachy and like I am facing some really difficult things in life right now, I'm not! It's not that deep and I don't mean for it to be preachy and my life is pretty good right now! But we have realized through these years of seeking God's will, that life is not typical when lived this way. We don't have all the answers or certainty and we often can't see what's right around the corner! But we know that God loves us an wants what's best for us and so we go...into the unknown... with my under-developed character...hoping that one day we'll have arrived! And maybe with that arrival, I'll be more patient and trusting and, well, pretty much perfect (ha!)!
whoa...if you've managed to stay with me this far...I guess the least I can do it show ya some pictures now!! sorry for the rant...but my mind has to unload somewhere!!

Here's all three guys at work in their designated machines!!

Karys enjoying some quiet-time with Uncle Ron.
Oma and Opa taking Karys out for a joy-ride! She was very sad when this ride came to an end, as Opa is allowed to be more of a daredevil then Daddy!

A gorgeous sunset captured by my guy!

"Having Fun"...really!!
Pretty much guaranteeing they'll need counselling! Our version of a rubber room - for the sake of safety...really!!!

Aww....cute! Super comfy and warm outfits from a far-away friend needed last week with our crisp October weather!

All attempts prove unsuccessful to escape! But it sure tuckered her out!
And...although I try to deny it...we're nerds! Straight up! Yup - him+me=true geeks! But good looking geeks...I'd have to say!

He ever... Co-operate?? Thank-you...from one geek (with new geeky spectacles!) to another! ~Have a good short week!~


Sarah said...

Great rant!! And great pics of you and your kiddies! I love their matching jammies :-) Great ending pic too!

Barley Girl said...

love the new specks and the rant.. and the geeky pictures,always will

Anonymous said...

You guys are all so beautiful, inside and out, and you make me cry, I'm so happy for you all and your life and the time we get to have with you. Not sure why I'm feeling so sappy right now, but really wanted you to know how much you are loved and missed my amazing friend! I need you in my life, closer geographically! I think I'm missing Sheri and you remind me of her in many ways. Love you all!!!!