Friday, August 29, 2008

New Horizon on the Rise!

Despite the seemingly negative connotations drawn up by the previous post, I would like to make it clear that we are doing fine!! We are excited for this move - without the job. And we are looking forward to the new-ness of this decision!

Although I really cannot ever understand why God doesn't allow things to happen that we really feel would be right for us - I do guarantee that I am glad I didn't get to marry that first guy I was begging God to let me marry! Seriously glad!

So...we did a majority of the packing in the beginning of the week and made our maiden voyage on Thursday! But, as things go, we ran out of steam Wednesday evening and are simply blessed to have our parents as landlords to be able to go back up next weekend (my birthday weekend, I might add!) to finish off the rest of the packing - sans children! And, unlike Niki, the arrival of my birthday is one that is highly anticipated and overly used as an excuse to indulge wherever and whenever possible! However, this year brings some serious feelings of queasiness at the idea of being so "old"!!

So - yup - we're here! Settling in and looking forward to the newness of planting roots! What a concept!! What an opportunity! What a blessing!! We are so glad to be here and so much anticipating what is to come!

Hold only gets better...the best is yet to come!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Politics and Packing!, not the daily debate of Liberals vs Conservatives. Or Democrats vs. Repulicans! Just mundane politics of small town opportunities!

As life would have it, we've been in somewhat of a limbo - to say the least! You see, a year ago we moved to Hicksville on a temporarily-permanent basis. And as the year has been drawing to a close, we have been sensing a need to move on! For several reasons, but one staring us right in the face would be the 7 months of SNOW!!! Along with the fact that we really didn't have any plans to plant roots here to begin with! So, when the opportunity arose, mid-June, for me to apply for a job in my field, with awesome hours and the ideal staff/school, I applied. And waited...and waited...and waited! And, amongst all the waiting I chatted with potential colleagues about how perfect this job would be were I to get it. Jim and I dreamed about the idea of finally getting to move to where we want to raise the girls, and - after 5 years - plant some roots!!! So, we were pretty sold on the idea of moving and were patiently waiting for the answer in June...and then through July! And come August we were realizing the implications of me getting the job and our patience started wearing thin! Packing up a junk-filled home in less than three weeks...two weeks...ONE WEEK!!! Yup, it took them until Thursday - 5 days ago and only a full week before school starts - to make their decision!!

However, this is where the politics come into play! I didn't get the job. As much as I wanted it and as much as many people felt as though it was a perfect opportunity for me and as much as I really felt as though this is what God wanted - it wasn't! For reasons beyond my knowledge, I wasn't meant to have the job. But the politics side of things is: the children should come first! In this calling of "Educator" it is our duty to put the needs of our students at the forefront! And, when we let other things get in the way, we are fall short of our duty!

Disappointed we were...but we also really felt like we needed the change!? So...what to do? WHAT TO DO??? Leave a beautiful home and a "job" working for family to go to no home and no job?! I know it sounds obvious - stay where the going's good! But, the house and the job don't compare to doing what we feel we should do - uncertainties and all!

Need I say more...
we have a week...
to pack up the house...
and be ready for the frist week of school!
My dear-er friend - as of late!
So, that's what we've been up to! And once this is done the only thing certain is we hope to not move back! We're excited to see how God will provide and bless us for this leap of faith! We know it is the right time, but in the world's eyes our decision seems very silly! So, we continue to trust and hope in a God who knows all and whose love for us will carry us through any difficult circumstance! I know I say it and I know my head believes it, but now it's time to start living out this trust and faith with my heart!
~Father I am....send me!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not Today...

Not really into posting today, but didn't want you to think I just forgot! Maybe it would be better had I simply forgotten! But, sadly, I didn't forget! I just don't have anything I am wanting to make into a list! Unless, of course, we changed the title to "Friday's 'This Sucks' List"!

So, maybe things will change, and maybe I'll being to feel positive again...and then I will make a list!

Hoping for some renewed hope....


Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday Love List

Ahhh...another week has come and gone!! And I have yet to do *gasp* a load of laundry!!! You see, I am a pro when it comes to procrastination!! And, given that we returned from a trip to the coast last Sunday evening, and Jim had to return to work first thing Monday morning, I figured I'd "keep him company" - read: avoid doing all the necessary house-keeping that is involved with returning from a trip! And given that this week has been one filled with nice weather, I figured, "May as well continue going to the lake!!" So, here we are, it's Friday again and I must face reality! I am house-bound today in hopes to get a handle on all things going awray, and what am I doing...blogging! But I figured I couldn't keep my faithful reader(s) waiting for my list! it is!

.:1:. Definitely at the top for this week is completing my 15km run on Thursday morning! Man was I dreading this one! Not like adding one km to my agenda makes the whole thing impossible, but it's a mental thing! Yup, I'm mental!! And 15k freaked me out!! But I changed up my route a bit and psyched myself out into thinking it was like two different runs!

.:2:. Having company at the lake! You see, it is a vast amount of property intended to be used by many, but up until now, nobody has taken the offer! So this week there were 3 different families camping with us and it was nice! Along with that, Jim's cousins were also camping nearby and they came over for 2 afternoons to swim and play with my girls! So nice for Karys especially!

.:3:. Watching Avery's new little discoveries, that turn into an added point on my "to-do" list! (must lower crib!)

.:4:. Going to Car Shows with Jim! Especially ones on the Coast! We have gone to this one on the Coast for the past 5 years and thought that this year would be one we'd have to miss, but thanks to my generous Gramma, we were able to enjoy another Sleepy Hollow show! I know that there are many ladies out there who may go to these thing under duress, but I enjoy them because I know how much he enjoys them! And then I get a chance to make some artistic attempts at photography!

.:5:. Cute little favorite regardless! But even cuter when pink!

.:6:. Super savings! I know it may be nonsense to some, but when I see a good deal in a weekly flyer, I get happy! And this week's deal was no different!! You see, when I head out for my weekly "long run," I make sure to have a hearty amount of high calorie sugar water with me, aka: Powerade/Gatorade! And up until this week, I had simply been purchasing them at our local gas station for a little over $2 each! Imagine my surprise, and almost shock, when I saw that Save-On Foods (whose name I feel is false advertising in itself!) had these said drinks on sale: 20 for $10!! That's 50 cents each people! Whoa! So, now before those long runs all I have to do is take a wander downstairs and choose from my plethora of sweetness!

.:7:. Crossing things off my list of "things to do" - when I am at home I usually make a list every morning and cross things off as they get done!, I have yet to cross anything off!

.:8:. Spicy stuff! Like as in HOT! I have recently been hoover-ing my way through a Costco-sized jar of banana peppers that I couldn't pass up, and am so glad I didn't pass up! You see, I love spicy stuff, but could never justify spending $5 on a teeny jar of peppers at "Rip-Off" (save-on) - so, the last time we were at Costco and I saw this jar for $3.79 I thought it had to be wrong!! But I wasn't, so my life is now spiced!

.:9:. Learning new things! Like how to make the background of your photo fuzzy when you don't have a SLR! It is something I am determined to figure out now that I know I can manually adjust my camera! It is the figuring-it-out part that I am interested in and I have yet to have the time to sit down and experiment/read the manual! But, one day, I will and I will be glad!

.:10:. And, best for last, sitting down with Karys and watching my all-time favorite childhood movie...Annie! She is seeming to enjoy it as much as I! We have watched it twice already!! I go, feeling a bit like Cinderella herself! But, it must be done, so go I will, and do!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Love List...

Here's hoping that things will start looking up!

.:1:. Finishing 14kms for the second time!! Although not having anyone to run with is a bit challenging, 14k is 14k! Maybe a bit easier when endured with company!!

.:2:. Being able to surprise my Mom and Grandma with a short visit to the coast - from which, I am presently blogging!!

.:3:. Changing up - after a minor catastrophe - the look of my blog! Ahhh, purple! Me love purple!

.:4:. Hamburgers! Given the copious amounts of beef residing in my deep freeze, I don't have much of a choice when it comes to what kind of meat I'll be serving! But I do have a choice in the cut, and how I will prepare it!! And sometimes - often times - the cut I choose is "ground" and the method I use for prep is "mixed and mashed"! I honestly love homemade hamburgers and find it sacrilege to purchase the store-bought version! So, as of late, we have been partaking in our fair share of these literal "hand-fulls"!

.:5:. "The Next Food Network Star" - there are not many shows that I can attest to faithfully watching, and even this one is hard for me to remember! But when it shows up on the guide, it is a must-view!! Love it!

.:6:. Letting Karys play "dress-up"! I know that I could avoid a lot of mess if I would simply avoid going along with her wishes, but when she gets that perfect outfit together that makes her feel "just so," the joy that fills her eyes is priceless! And, frankly, I just put myself in her shoes ... I would want someone to help me fulfill my momentary desires!

.:7:. Enjoying an incredibly delicious meal - ocean-front!

.:8:. Knowing that in one month, my worries will no longer be! Not that they are anything serious, but simply having things hanging over me is unsettling! I can only trust and surrender!

.:9:. The start of the Olympics!! I love the Olympics and watching whatever it is that is broadcasted at the moment I flick on the telly! Who knows how much that will be this year, with such stiff competition as Franklin and Backyardigans...but I'll enjoy what I can get!

.:10:. "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord... "Plans to give you a hope and a future" ~Jer. 29:11! What better promise exists?!

~Hoping you have a great weekend...doing whatever it is that makes a weekend enjoyable for you!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Time Flies!!

Holy Moly!! As I looked at today's date, I knew it rang a bell, but couldn't figure out why! After a bit of pondering...I realized that today is Avery's 8 month day!!! I have no idea where the time has gone!! She was such an ity bity starting out, and now...she can surely hold her own!!

~Brand New~


As much as I was hoping she would stay a baby forever; therefore, not encouraging her toward reaching any milestones *blush*, she has definitely developed inspite of it!! This past month she has experimented with and perfected her crawling, and can now get into any thing, any where! She has successfully grown 2 teeth - unbeknownced to us! We have another silent teether!! Yay!She has gone from noticing when we eat, to desiring to partake in whatever it is we're eating!! And a very easily pleased eater she is!! She is now able to grab onto her crib rails and pull herself up! *note to self: must lower the crib!* And she can detect the difference between her toys and Karys' toys/things shes not allowed! Thus causing her to only want what she can't have!! starts this early?! So I have become creative in convincing her to play with things that appear to be forbidden...but she knows that if I gave it to her, she doesn't want it!
Having her newly-discovered mobility has made it more challenging for us to be at the lake - dusty dirt + crawling baby = massive mess! So she is no longer content with being in her exersaucer or playing in the playpen - at the lake or at home! And with this perfected scurrying comes the discovery of...STAIRS!! What is it with kids and stairs?! So...another note to self - buy gate!!

All these changes, however, are welcomed and embraced (after a bit of resistance on my part!)! Avery is an incredibly happy, easy-going baby! And we are excited to see who she grows into!!

Eight Months Old....

Groovy Girl!!
Muma's Baby!!
~Thank-You Jesus for Avery! A strong, healthy, and happy addition to our blessed family!~

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A bit of this...and that!

So many pictures on our camera...not much really to say about them...they're pretty self-explanatory! We've been at the lake for a while, we've been having fun summer days! We've been seeking God's will and searching His word for advice!
I feel as though our life-circumstances, and those of some friends, have been forcing me to face my weaknesses - as in patience, surrender, and trust! But facing your weaknesses is not a bad thing, humbling, but not bad!! As much as I hate going through this and hate hearing of friends going through tough times, I know that these times are necessary for me, as a Christian, to develop my character! But, being me, I often feel as though I have done enough for right now! Honestly, I sometimes feel like "Just leave me alone with my under-developed character, who struggles with these issues and I'll let ya know when I am going to be willing to fit facing them into my schedule!" And, it seems, in those times, when I am not ready or willing to fight for what's right, that I am thrown into circumstances that force me to take a sobering look at who I really am and what I struggle with and what I truly believe! And although this may sound deep and preachy and like I am facing some really difficult things in life right now, I'm not! It's not that deep and I don't mean for it to be preachy and my life is pretty good right now! But we have realized through these years of seeking God's will, that life is not typical when lived this way. We don't have all the answers or certainty and we often can't see what's right around the corner! But we know that God loves us an wants what's best for us and so we go...into the unknown... with my under-developed character...hoping that one day we'll have arrived! And maybe with that arrival, I'll be more patient and trusting and, well, pretty much perfect (ha!)!
whoa...if you've managed to stay with me this far...I guess the least I can do it show ya some pictures now!! sorry for the rant...but my mind has to unload somewhere!!

Here's all three guys at work in their designated machines!!

Karys enjoying some quiet-time with Uncle Ron.
Oma and Opa taking Karys out for a joy-ride! She was very sad when this ride came to an end, as Opa is allowed to be more of a daredevil then Daddy!

A gorgeous sunset captured by my guy!

"Having Fun"...really!!
Pretty much guaranteeing they'll need counselling! Our version of a rubber room - for the sake of safety...really!!!

Aww....cute! Super comfy and warm outfits from a far-away friend needed last week with our crisp October weather!

All attempts prove unsuccessful to escape! But it sure tuckered her out!
And...although I try to deny it...we're nerds! Straight up! Yup - him+me=true geeks! But good looking geeks...I'd have to say!

He ever... Co-operate?? Thank-you...from one geek (with new geeky spectacles!) to another! ~Have a good short week!~

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday's Love List

Well, I have never been one for sticking to any type of a schedule, so here's this week's list...on Saturday!!

.:1:. Definitely my number one, top of the list, best thing this week, is finally being able to run with company!! My how much lighter the load, when carried alongside a friend!! I have been running for over 5 months now and my only companion has been some music! So when I had the opportunity to join a friend this weekend for a jaunt down the dusty, ankle-busting-rock covered, critter-loaded Canim Lake road, I jumped at it! I didn't care what time she had in mind! And run we did - amongst some highland dancing impressions - whatever the case, it was all! Thanks again KJ!!

.:2:. Staying along the same next best thing this week...finishing the longest run of my life, to date! What a mental challenge!! 14 kms done...unfortunately, converting this mileage into miles in order to make the 21kms sound like a much more manageable 13 miles, makes my 14 km accomplishment not sound so impressive! So let's just stick with the big numbers, all around!

.:3:. Okay, changing gears here, next up would have to be Avery's newest habit/talent! There is no rhyme nor reason for her to do her bit, nor can I yet get her to do it on command, but this "Acting tough"/ "being a pirate" still makes us laugh...every time she does it!!

.:4:. Seeing Karys share with her little sister! And the joy that brings to all! Obviously, the fact that it has made my list goes to show you that we are having sharing issues in this of late!

.:5:. Making my husband is pretty easy, but this is one seriously happy man - once he figured out how to work it!

.:6:. Avery's first teeth...visible! I know it's a stretch, but they're there and we're proud of her!

.:7:. New recipes - seriously...I love trying new things and even more when they turn out!! So...let me know some of your faves, please!!! My family is soo tired of the same old same old!

.:8:. Our surprise reimbursement from...the government!! Whoa...they actually admit when they owe you money?!?! This time they did, but we have an inkling that that money has more to do with God blessing us rather than the government fessing up to what they owed us!

.:9:. The afternoon hours of silence in my home when both girls are down, the chores are done and I get to sit in the silence!

.:10:. Did I mention I was really glad to have someone to run with this morning?? Oh...well...I did really enjoy it! And, hope you are able to enjoy this "long" weekend - quoted as such, because when you work for/with family, holidays don't really matter! There's many other perks though...right?! Anyhow...enjoy!