Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I love it when Karys first wakes up from her nap, she always comes out so sleepy fresh, hair everywhere, happy, and ready for the rest of her day! She still naps every day and, if I'm lucky, Avery will nap during that time too! But when the time is coming to an end I am ready for them to wake up because I get lonely! It is crazy when they're awake and doing things/demanding my time, but that's what I'm here for! So when they're both sleeping and I have gotten done what I need to do I am ready to be needed again!

I love it when - around the 2 hour mark - a little voice begins to emerge from closed doors and after a while of "waking up" play with her "babies" starts to say "Mommy... are you noowww??!" (Mommy where are you?) To our benefit, even though Karys is in a "big girl" bed, she still will not get out of bed until we come and get her or call for her to come and see us! So... in reference to my title I called to her today to come and see me and, as always, she is so excited to be up and ready to play! She comes running down the hall and stops by my legs, looks on the the floor and points to my pilates mat with a grin on her face! Usually it is put away before she gets up so I guess she was excited about something new in the room?! She runs over to the mat and says "Mommy, me sexerdizing!" Yes Care Bear - you sexerdize all you want! Just always let me be a part of it!

Karys and Baby...sexerdizing!


kelly ens said...

HAHA - that's awesome :)

Anonymous said...

gotta love what they say! oh the joys of it all, it's fun writing it all down to tell them later what they all said. we get the "mommy are you" for 'where are you' in a singsongy way. hope you're having a great day!

Ej said...

That is hilarious!

Rachel said...

hey christina, i've been kind of snooping your blog since kelly added you. am enjoying it a lot! was wondering if i can add you to my links? hope you're doing well!

Christina B said...

Rachel...Cornelson?? Don't know how else to reply to you b/c the link from your name doesn't go anywhere - so...sure add me as a link! And I'll do the same! I've been reading your blog lately too! Congrats on your bump!

Niki said...

How cute is that!! :)