Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

well now, THAT was fun!!!

here's a picture-walk through our holidays...i hope yours too were enjoyable, and filled with laughter and love!!

Christmas Eve

Karys ~ 5 yrs

Avery ~ 3 yrs

And the stockings were hung...finally!!
(if you're not friends with me on Facebook, you wouldn't know that these things have been talked about getting done for a WHILE now!!)

Jim's parents decided to come and spend the holidays with us, which is an added bonus ~ having all of both families right here!!

It's Jim's family tradition to open all the presents on Christmas Eve, but mine to open them on Christmas morning. SO the compromise we've worked out is: the kids get all his family's presents of Christmas Eve, and my side on Christmas kind of breaks things up a bit so as to attempt to avoid being completely overwhelmed!


Unfortunately i didn't snag a picture of the girls with my Mum, but my lil sis, i guess i'm waiting on her!

~Christmas Morning~


Chapter books!!

a TAD too early for Dado!!

I am quickly realizing that as I found myself completely caught up in the hubbub of it all, i failed to capture many moments of the day on camera :( but here they are setting up one of the several "big toys" the girls got this year...which entailed a LOT of snapping and screwing and batteries - most of which we were completely unprepared for!!

They LOVE "tooling" with Dado!! and now they "can"!!

SO...from here on out you'll simply have to imagine: for brunch we enjoyed a delicious meal of waffles with whip cream, strawberry sauce and bacon...and for dinner, we had a traditional feast of turkey with all the fixings!!

Another year has come and gone...Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year. So much anticipation and excitement building up to a frenzy of food, family and gifts.

We are blessed...and now look forward to the dawning of a New Year and all that comes with that!


kelly ens said...

great pictures of your family and day. looks like the girls got spoiled - awesome! :)