Monday, June 9, 2008

Blessings, Blankets, and Blisters!

Well, I know you are all chomping at the bit to get a peek at our summer abode....HA! I know my Mom is at least:) Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of where we were staying before Jim, his Dad and brother graciously constructed us the first permanent structure on the property! But, suffice it to say, I am sure your imagination can construct a pretty accurate image of: a black utility trailer....inside there's a double bed at one end, a string across the middle with a sheet draped over it, and the girls' beds (crib mattress and play pen) on the other side! Yes, quite glamorous!

And now, the bitty place we call a cabin is a blessing to say the least because it is somewhere we can call home for the times we are out at the lake. A place where the girls can know they will always have their naps - instead of switching between campers, depending on which wasn't being used when nap-time came around! A place that we were not expecting to be in at all! And a place we humbly accept and call home while we're there! I guess it's such a blessing for us because the property is not even ours! And we knew while Jim helped build it that it was going to be a bedroom/bathroom cabin, but all the while assuming that his parents would be living in it! It only stands to reason! But then, one day it was just mentioned in passing that this particular "shed" (as they fondly refer to it) was for us! Yay! So, yes we feel blessed for having a family who cares about us enough to give us this little place to call home....

Our Room...

Girls' Room...

Soaking It In...

I know it's nothing much at all, but it's something permanent, a place where we can set things up for good and not have to worry about eventually packing it all up! And Karys loves it! So there ya have it! And here are a few other shots of our living quarters...
A Far-Off Glace of It All....

Path To the Kitchen....

Our Living Room....

And, in other news, I have finally finished making Avery the same things I had made for Karys! I had her quilt and wooden letters for her name made before she was born, but the hooded towel and soft "ni-night" (our word for blanket) took a while longer to complete. Mainly because I really didn't want to pay local $15.98-$19.98/meter pricing when I know I have a Fabricland membership that could get me 40-50% off!! So, after a little web-search, I finally figured out that Williams Lake has a Fabricland!!! Only took me 8 months!!! But we got the material and the projects are done....
Avery and her purple swirls...

Karys and Avery with their towels...

Ultimate Comfort....


And, I guess that's enough for now! Oh right...about the blisters...after a week off from running, when we went to the lake last week I slowly got "back into it" by going for a nice run one day and then re-acquainting myself bike!! And went for a grueling ride along the dirt road for about 10ks! How I did that for over 60 days in a row, I will never understand! Since returning home, I have realized how fortunate I am to have the running trails I have available to me! So this Saturday I decided I would do it! Run that dreaded route I had mapped out last month and never got around to doing...the 10.3kms around both lakes! wasn't even that bad! Much easier than any Sun Run I've done, so that's a plus for sure! No I didn't have sidewalks full of people cheering me on, but I also didn't have to share the path with 57483920 people either! So maybe that was why the distance didn't seem as long?! Either way, I completed my own Sun Run...Cariboo-style!!
Best be off the bed, my book is calling!
Blessings to you all...


kelly ens said...

i LOVE your cute little shed! I'm glad you guys have a place to call 'home' while you're at the lake.
very cute towel and blanket for Avery too! :)
and a HUGE congrats on your version of the Sun Run! YIPPEEE!!!!! you did it!!! YAY!

Barley Girl said...

way to go!! Congrats of completeing so many things....
but mostly on your 10.3..
see you soon,