Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Their DONE...finally!!

So - first off...Merry Christmas Eve!!
I'm finally done those stinkin' PJs!!! Thank Goodness!
And here they are...

And here are the girls celebrating Christmas....Menno-style!! (meaning we opened their presents from Oma and Opa on Christmas Eve:))

So...that's it from here, for now!! We are SO looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with our family - all of us!! My brother just surprised my Mum tonight with a very unexpected visit! We're looking forward to spending time with him as he's back to northern Alberta Oil Rigs in a few days!!
May your Day be merry and bright!! And may you take a moment to reflect on the true grace and mercy of this Holiday! Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday's Love List....

Well - here it goes....

I love that it's our Anniversary today!! We've made it to the big 0-5!! Five years!! Who would have thought that we would have come so far in what seems, looking back, to be such a short time! We've lived in four different houses and one barn!! We've survived me completing my University degree! We have had at least five different jobs between us! We have driven 4 different vehicles! We've excitedly picked-up AND dropped off 2 puppies! We've driven across the country! We survived a year in 100 Mile!! And...amidst it all...we've been blessed to welcome 2 beautiful, healthy girls into our family!! Yay to you and me Babe!!

I love that it's Friday, hence the Love List! But also because it's the Friday that begins the Christmas holiday! As of 1:30 this afternoon, my Christmas holidays officially begin!! And I will enjoy 14 blissFULL days off!! Yay to days off!
I love that it's going to be a white Christmas here! "Why?" you may ask...and I would reply "Because I know it surely won't last until May!!"
I love that, in my procrastination fashion, the girls' birthday pajamas are still sitting, in pieces, on our dining room table! Not sewn! Not wearable! Not done! Not that I truly love that...but in my mind it's a project...hence the procrastination! Had it simply been a whim, and not dubbed as "Birthday Jammies" they'd have been done long ago!! arg....
I love that Karys is now loving her preschool! This past week when I dropped her off, she said "Bye Mummy" right after I parked the car!! I reminded her that I needed to take her in first and she said "Oh...okay!" She loves it there and I know it's because of the wonderful teachers who care for her! Here she is proudly sporting her Christmas present from her teachers...

And...along those same lines...I love that she's starting to bring art home! I love that she does these pieces of art and presents them to me so proudly!! Here's her "Hand and Foot Angel"!!

And last one for today...I love my babies! And how different that are!! So...for today...representing the letter T and brought to you by the word thankful...I say:

One of these things (read: girls) is not like the other!

A long and lean ballerina who loves all things to do with ballerina stuff...

And a Beanie...made up to look like a Ballerina! My Chunky Cherub!'s hoping that your holidays have begun! That your baking is almost done! That your presents are all purchased! And...that you're looking forward to spending some quality time with some quality people!

Blessings to you and yours...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day!!

Well, as much as I am glad we left the North and the snow - so we thought - I am very thankful for today's Snow Day!! My first weekday home since August!!!! Whoa! honour of today's snow day...have a peek at our accumulation!
Just a skiff...

Not too sure what to make of all this white stuff!!

Haven't seen this much snow on the Coast in over a decade...I'm sure!!

And...after a nice walk into town to pick up some groceries and then attempting to make a snowman, this little Miss was ready to come in and thaw her hands!!

Here's hoping you've also had some time to get out there and...enjoy!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tis the Season!

For so many things, but baking in particular! we are doing a bit of that!!

Totally Food-Safe...of course!! Washed hands....uh, sure! Hair back....ya, whatever!

Avery's version of helping!

Behold...some of the final product!

And a few other items on the "done" list! Ginger Gems, Turtles, Macarons, Butter Tart Squares

Hope you have a Wonderful, I must find a safe way to school through all this snow!! I honestly feel as though it's stalking us!! Didn't we leave the Cariboo?? Ah certainly won't last as long, and the kids love it!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

She dresses "Warmly"!!?'s the video I promised! She's pretty conscientious when you take a look at all she thought to put on!!

Anyhow, here's hoping you have a great day!! I'm pretty excited as I receive a brand new Apple Laptop today!!!!...courtesy of the School District!! :D

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My First Offical TAG!!

Thanks to a dear Friend...I am officially participating in my first blogging TAG!! I love this one, as the rules are so simple:

Click on the fifth folder in your Pictures file and post the fifth picture - then tag five other friends!

So...the other two girls who've done this in blogland have ended up with some really cute pictures...wanna bet mine's gonna be lame?!

Let's see...what do we have here??

TOLD YOU!!!!! A lame picture of Jim and his brother pounding in fence posts! booo - however, some other pictures in that folder WOULD have been cute - like Karys in the midst of potty training or all dressed for Halloween last year! Cute!! This one...not so cute! But them's the rules, so I'll stick to them and tag five other people:

Sarah's hoping yours are a tad more interesting!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Love List - Seriously!

I's been a while hey??

Well, I can't really claim that it's going to be anything close to the typical Love Lists, but at least it's something...I figure!!

So here it no particular order...or numbering!

This week I love: my tacked-together-wedding band! Eggnog lattes! Enjoying the idea of snow, but glad to not be stuck in last year!'s great - makes things say the least! In conjunction with the last point - my staff!! LOVE who I get to work with!! Fridays...not that we do anything too extraordinary, but they're nice!! Christmas Concert at my work! It went so well! I wish I had a "real" class to be proud of! Karys' creativity! She is TOO funny! I asked her to dress up warmly tonight for heading outside and she came out...PRICELESS! I need to post that video! Avery...and the fact that, even with Croup, she is so happy! Looking at nice little houses and imagining our little family making it a home! Can't wait! Looking forward to having a weekend to do things that I want to do! I hope to make the girls PJ's - still!! And...get some Christmas baking done!! Butter Tar squares...sugar cookies...ginger gems...homemade Turtles...Thumbprint Cookies...we'll see how much we get done:)

So...that's it for here! Hope you all have a great weekend and have something in it that makes you happy!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Can't Believe She's Three!!

Well - although it's tough explaining to a now three-year-old, who had her party days ago, that TODAY is her actual birthday - it is! So...she's officially three, she's officially a "big girl" (in her words) and she still got her birthday pancake! Two times in a week - lucky girl!!



And she deosn't even have brothers!! But, man, is she ever a fashion statement!!

So, my baby girl, today is your day! You're off to great're off and away! Keep being your unique self! We love you so much!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So....Whatchya think??

Jackson 5???

Or...somewhat stylish???
I can't figure it out!!

Kind of brings me back to my early Elementary years when I had my infamous Afro!!

And I wasn't planning on going "short" by any means, but when I went back for the foils (subtle colour, but they are there) I asked for her to simply shorten the layers she had done perviously!
Well...she shortened it alright!!

So...what do you think??

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cupcakes and Party Dresses and Presents...Oh My!

Well, it's done! I have successfully survived a joint birthday party for our girls! wasn't even that difficult!
Talk about leaving things to the last minute! I still haven't even begun sewing their jammies! However, the day went on and things got done and no one noticed what wasn't there! Family...check! Friends...check! Food...check! Party dresses...check! Presents....double-check! The "gimmmies"...uh...triple check!
:( But, what birthday goes by without them around here?!
So...back to the reason for our baby! Who is no longer a all!! She's a walking, talking, laughing machine! But a year ago...she was: what we had been waiting 2 years for! And what we had been so happy to welcome...and hold...and love in real-life!
So ity beautiful!!
And now...not much different, other than adding a few pounds!! She's still so perfect and soo happy! What a joyous addition to our little family! We sit in disbelief that an entire year has come and gone!
Thank you Jesus for such healthy, happy girls!

Let's start with the very beginning...a very good place to start!

Yup...that IS how she came out of her room this morning - "ready" for the day!!

And this is our little beanie - smiling as usual - right after we got her up!!

So - sticking to tradition - I got started on their birthday pancakes...

Karys waiting...
Ready to Eat...

And...all done!! Note the disrobing that needed to take place in order to consume the pancakes! So funny to see herself push away from the table and stretch like this once she's had a filling meal! Misson accomplished!!

And then it was Avery's turn!'re ONE!

Dig in!!

Then there was the inevitable manicure for the eldest birthday girl!!

And onto waiting for the cupcakes to be done!

Yup - 24 cakes - delicious, made-from-scratch goodness!!

Final product!! sit and wait!!

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

First taste of Birthday cake!!

2nd Round of "Happy Birthday!!

Birthday Girl in her party dress!!

Girls with my Granny, sporting the coats she got them!!

Karys...with 2 of her favourite presents: Ballerina slippers and the "Upsy-Daisy" doll!

So...we had a great night!! Here's hoping you did too!!