Monday, June 22, 2009

102nd Post!

Well now - I just realized that two posts ago was my 100th post! How anti-climactic!! So, I figured I'd take this opportunity to try and make ammends.
Here goes nuthin'....
Recently we were able to celebrate the Girls' Half-Birthdays! Anyone's birthday is fun for me, so given that these poor chickies both have their "full" birthdays in December, I've decided that our family will embrace (for the sake of gift-giving with an excuse) Half-Birthdays! Yay!
The song even fits..."Happy Half-Birthday to you..."
She's a tad excited...wouldn't you say?!

Busy at work...eating only the cake that is slathered in icing!

Avery was ready to take-off while we were singing, until...

...she got a taste of the icing!

Mmmmm!!! Getting ready to dive in for the rest!

I think she likes it!

And now...

for some other pictures....

...taken here...

and there....


sisters exploring...

...their new backyard!

...our new backyard!

What?? New?? Backyard?? I know!!!! SO many questions!! And the answer is "yes"!

We have become official homeowners as of last Wednesday! We take possession in a few months, but that's besides the point! We feel excited to say the least! And blessed beyond ALL measure!

Thanks be to God...


kelly ens said...

we have GOT to talk on the phone to hear the details. hope you're around tonight!

Barley Girl said...
