Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Love List

So...another week has passed me by, and although I have no clue how it's already Friday, I do have some things to add to a list. Here it goes for this week....

.:1:. Having successfully completed my longest run yet, 12kms and some where close to the mileage I need to be able to endure come October, but still something to feel good about!
.:2:. New contacts... I don't dare let you know how old my last pair was! Suffice it to say, I lost the remaining pairs I had in our move!
.:3:. Nap time (for the girls)/ Tanning time (for Mommy)
.:4:. Oh...this one should have been #1 - sugar-free Del Monte fruit bars! The best way to jazz up any summer day...sunny or not:)
.:5:. The idea of new beginnings ;)
.:6:. Fresh fruit, primarily strawberries, nectarines, and melons - nature's sweet indulgence
.:7:. Having a BBQ dinner outside on the deck
.:8:. Getting the girls' up from their naps - so sleepy sweet!
.:9:. Sunny days that make it seem alright to have appetizers for dinner! Tonight we having dips...lots of them! mmmmm
.:10:. Having a Mom who tries to be a cool Gram - but fears are fears!

.:So...there ya have it! And now I'm off to get my babies out of bed and make some yummy dips! Have a great weekend! And remember to be thankful for all you have!:.



kelly ens said...

1. WOW - way to go Christina!!!
4. i will definitely have to check these out next time!
5. So curious...
9. Those are the BEST! we'll have to do one of those when we visit again.
10. Very cute :)

Dawn said...

I'm all over the Appies for dinner thing!

What's better than "dippables??"

T said...

You and Karleigh are amazing with all your running. Way to go!!! I must admit the new beginnings thing has me very curious as well.