Tuesday, April 13, 2010

{crafty creations}

i've been able to take full advantage of this chunk of "off-time" i've had in between sessions of work this time around...
just thought i'd post some pictures of my most recent creations
(which will be a "repeat" for any of my Facebook friends/lurkers here)

{shoulder bag}

{burp cloths}

{lined change pad}

{hooded bath towel}

{funky apron}

that's about it...for now.
work starts back up again next week, but this time, it's for the LAST time:)


kelly ens said...

LOVE the shoulder bag and apron! :) crafty, you are!

Niki said...

Your crafty creations are AWESOME! Very impressed. Love them all, though the aprons you make are my fave!