{a matter of the heart}
okay...note to self: must get back into some regular posting here! don't want to lose my 2 readers!
and instead of having a bunch of cutesie pictures of my darlings or some funny story about the happenings of my day, i give you this. something that has been weighing heavy on my heart...a good kind of comfortable weight. you know, how you feel when you crawl into a warm bed on a chilly night and those two blankets apply that perfect amount of weight to surround you? yup, that kind of 'heavy.'
these thoughts have been helping me in my daily mission to savour life's moments, so i thought i'd share them with you...
"Children are a gift from God; they are His reward."
~Psalm 127:3~
and this is an excerpt from our daily devotional by Billy Graham (any emphasis added is my own):
"Today there are more pressures on the home than perhaps at any time in the history of the human race. By necessity or by desire, more women are working today than ever before...many women (and men, too) devote more time to their working life than they do to their family life.
To paraphrase the Bible, what shall it profit a man (or a woman) who gains the whole world but loses his or her own family? What achievement in life is equal to a happy home and rearing successful children who grow up in praise of their parents?
Every material goal even if it is met, will pass away. But the heritage of children is timeless. Someone has said that our children are our messages to the future.
More importantly, our children have been entrusted to us by God. Our primary responsibility is not to make sure they have the best clothes and live in the best house. It is to make sure they grow up in homes where God is present and the love of Christ reigns.
What could be more valuable than successful children and a happy home life?
so, there you have it. what's been occupying my thoughts as of late. it's so anti-society that it feels a bit wrong to find so much encouragement out of this, but i do! when i read this, i know that the desires of my heart are not selfish, but rather "God gifted!" for some reason He has decided to reward me with these two souls...and i will do my best to savour this role!
I love this. Love where you're at, and your 'savour' theme. Glad to have you at prairiepassages and glean your insights there too! I came here off of Suzy's site. If you'd like an invite to my blog, just shoot me an email.... prairietide@gmail.com
thanks for sharing this 'weight.' i've been feeling it a bit lately too, and it's awesome to be like-minded with friends and fellow believers :)
you two are doing a fantastic job with your girls, by the way :)
Thanks for sharing. My husband and I do not yet have kids, but it's always been my heart's desire to be their Mom first and to give them a warm, loving, God-filled home.
i echo what "dance" said....
i love my life by that and sometimes get caught up in feeling overwhlemend. thanks for the encoureagement... I wish we lived closer ... it would sure help me to have a kindred friend nearby.
love you , chrispy.
Yeah, it's hard to hunker down sometimes and really feel out the whole point of this stay-at-home mothering thing. I often feel torn between jealousy for moms in the workplace and thankfulness that I get to stay home. And it's HARD to be thankful for being at home when I haven't left the house in days because each kid gets the stomach flu one at a time over the course of two weeks...
Thanks for the encouragement.
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