Monday, November 30, 2009

november 30th...


contrary to the seasonal characteristics these following images may posses, they were taken today. TODAY! November the day before December!

needless to say, my family took 100% advantage of this blessed ball of warmth beating down on us today! the girls and i bundled up and headed down to a local park by the ocean while Jim used the kid-free time to finish off the lattice portion of the 80ft fence he has constructed on our yard! (note: pictures coming! I'm so proud of all the work he has done for us!)

shortly after getting to the park and attempting to climb all over things, the girls realized how chilly it was, so i headed back to the truck to grad their mitts and then used the rest of my time to capture some concrete evidence of this spectacular day! enjoy...the unedited version!

{wilderness adventure}

{my big girl}

{my baby}

{little wonders three}

{pictures courtesy of Karys}
Avery saying "cheese"


Mummy saying "cheese!"

my personal favourite! Good job Sissy!

well, there ya have it! if you made this far...thru all of those pictures...good on ya! hope you had as sunny of a day as we did! we feel blessed...

Monday, November 23, 2009

getting my craft on

So...while the in-laws were here, and given that Jim has been out of work for....a while (!!) we've been blessed to be able to get quite a bit of "stuff" done on the house.

And by "stuff," I really mean a lot of construction mumbo-jumbo. The details of which I'll spare you from enduring, because it's tough enough for me to wrap my head around all the terms and explanations while looking interested when Jim is taking me through the accomplishments of his day! Usually the tour ends by me saying something to the effect of "Wow Babe...looks great!" And I'm being honest...truly! I just didn't really absorbe anything he just said.

And by "stuff," I also mean that things have been shuffled around enough that I have finally gotten my craft room!!

It's basically filled with everything I have aquired over the years to do all the crafty things I have attempted:)

Space enough for our wireless printer and router, I can have my ironing board set up and still be free to move!

The best part of it all it that when I am done for the moment, or even for the day, I can simply walk out and close the door! No need to pack everything up and put all the little things in their little places while trying to remember where everything fit before I took it all out! Nope...just love it and leave it!'s a look at some things I've finished since "moving in"!

{wall art}
inspired by my ever-amazing friend

{full apron...finally}

Orders anyone???

The list of projects I have in mind to accomplish before Christmas makes me ever-more grateful for this space! Now, to continue getting my craft on!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

kitchen walls are falling down...

before: nice ??? space

before: small "eat-in" kitchen nook

during: who's bright idea was this??

during: MINE!!! (the royal "we")

during: breathing space

after: nice open space

after: fluid space

after: wide open

So, there ya have it! Some evidence of progress! Further changes have taken place during this week, given that we have 3 extra pairs of hands to be of much appreciated assistance!

Change: in general, I'm rather resistant to it! But, life these days seems so full of it - change - that I'm leaning more towards fully embracing it! Come on Change, let's be friends!

Monday, November 16, 2009

mundane monday... was anything BUT!

today i saw walls crumble, before my eyes, literally!

might be nice had they been figurative walls ... of self-consciousness ... or inadequacy

but they were literal walls today people!

note to self: don't let jim get bored any.more.

i'm just saying

{pictures to follow}

hope you're staying dry!

Friday, November 13, 2009


so, as life continues to pass us by at an alarming rate of speed,
we're rolling with it.
all the twists and turns. all the ups and downs.
stuff is getting done on the house,
i'm running a bit more than before,
(since my last Half, i haven't had as much get-up-and-go)
the girls are being "girls"
and i'm getting some chances
-here and there-
to get my craft on
here are a few pictures
of life....
in the Fall

one of my latest creations...a 1/2 apron!
{I hope to post a pic of my first full apron creation...soon}

Fall fun


Kare Bear

Cute cuddles


Silly Sisters
Yard work

Serious business

Avery saying "cheeeese"...Karys, posing

Our girls

Our silly girls

3yrs 11 months

1yr 11 months's hoping you enjoy your upcoming Fall weekend
and the company you're with...
I know I will!, off to sew up a storm!