Friday, July 22, 2011

life...these days

well...i'm still standin'!

we are busy around here enjoying life...

i feel as though growing this bebe is taking up more than my torso section! my mental capacity is greatly diminishing and i honestly feel as though i've got nothing to share with you.

let's see....

so far this summer we've enjoyed the sunshine every minute it's showed it's face...

we've gone to VBS - first time for Avery, and a greatly anticipated second time for Karys...and as much as they say they enjoyed themselves, sometimes it's hard for me to "see" it because they are VERY reserved in large crowds...

we enjoyed taking part in the Canada Day Parade

me...the girls...and their spiffy decorated bikes

karys bravely cruising along on her newest set of wheels!!

me trying hard to keep up with Bean on her run-bike - we {heart} run-bikes!!

we've been blessed with some work for Jim - and, in turn, have been able to bless my he "job" was to work for her landscaping her front yard and painting her entire house

and most recently, the girls and i were able to get away for a MUCH NEEDED visit with one of my nearest and dearest kindred friends - Karleigh Jane...our ties extend way back to a time in life when we were both young and naive and has continued through all the valleys and mountains our lives journeys have contained...we are no longer younger, or naive, but our bond has grown closer in spite of the physical distance that has always separated us...but has been greatly diminished in this past year!! yipppeeee!!

so far...sooo good!!

i've also gotten to the point in this pregnancy that i am down to a prenatal visit every 2 weeks!! instead of every month! so...that has really brought it home to us - how close the arrival of our long awaited miracle actually is!!

and - MUCH to my excitement - my midwife upped my due date by 6 days!

so i am officially 31 weeks and 3 days

NOW - by my calculations this could mean ONE of THREE different things:

compared to my due date, 31+ wks would mean i have 8+ left
compared to my first pregnancy, it would mean i have 5+ weeks left
and compared to my second pregnancy, it would mean i have 3+ weeks left

looking forward to seeing the story unfold!!

so...that's a nutshell...these days!

hope you too are out there savouring these "summer" days!!


kelly ens said...

looking great, Christina!