Saturday, August 1, 2009

3 1/2 years in the making...

So...not too long ago, I finally caved...I had always said that I never wanted to cut Karys' hair, but I also saw girls with these cute little bobs, that my little girl would suit too!

It's no bob, that's for sure, but I did cut her hair, and she likes it:)


When wet, her hair was down to her waist!
Getting it all ready...

Making the first snip...

A curious (tired) on-looker :)
(who also has quite the mop of hair for a 1 1/2 year old!)
It took me three tries - mainly because I was nervous of taking off too much!
Final product - a nice trim!

It was so cute to see her adjust to the "short-ness"...for days after I cut it, she would toss her hair from side to side and say to people "My hair's short now! ... I got my hair cut!"

And...seeing as how I was on a snipping-roll...I gave my niece some bangs!
(with her mom's permission, of course!)

Yes I have always, secretly, wanted to be a hair-dresser! I just recently got my hair cut and was wanting it to be coloured as well. Hearing that the salon would charge me $100, I promptly decided I could make the $10 store-brand colour work for me...

and it did:)

Experiment with your hair - it's never permanent and the result is always exciting!



kelly ens said...

that is quite the cut! wowee!!! looks so cute (no surprise there)