Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And the Winner is...

My Dear friend...Karleigh! And your prize...my congratulations:) And unending friendship - but that's a no-brainer!!

Anyhoo - wondering what I'm referring to?? Scroll down and take a peak at the last post! Karleigh guessed correctly! It was our little Affie who blessed us with a few gifts as she wandered around the house - post-bath!

Time to bring out that potty!!

And, just because it's cute...

A picture of peace - Daddy and his girl...done, for the day!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Who do YOU think is to blame??

Sunday, February 15, 2009


for all you Dora fans!! We did it!! A 10k that is!!

Saturday morning we rose nice and early, packed the girls up and heading off to the ferry! After getting 1/2 of our order at Timmy wrong (:( ) we set off into town, hoping that order wasn't a sign of how the rest of the day was going to go! We picked up my running package, made a quick stop at Rona and then it was off to "Old Oma and Opa's"!!! Karys was looking so forward to finally getting there! Every stop we made she would ask "Now we're at Old Oma and Opa's?" Once we got there she made herself right at home...at it was nice and easy for us to do just the same!!

That evening we were so excited to be able to go and visit some more family who we haven't seen since the summer! And Karys had a great time playing with the big girls!! It was such a nice visit! So nice, in fact that I continued to forget the reason for which we had made this trip! Oh...right...I have to run in the morning! But, seeing as how I had done 16k last Saturday and had a 17k marked for today, 10k would be a welcomed adventure!

So, after an eventful night of having all four of us sleeping in the same room :), we got up and headed out to the Fort!! I made a quick call to my dear friend, who I was running with, and hoped to allay all her nerves from this being her first...race...EVER!!  I quickly scarfed down a bagel and coffee (breakfast of champions...I'm sure!)and we made our way to the Starting Line! 

I was quite impressed with the fact that, had this event been taking place a year earlier, I would be as nervous as my "first time" friend! Today, I simply looked at the 10k as something to enjoy and accomplish with a dear friend!  

Once I got there, I was also aware that two other people I "knew" (I read their blogs:)) were hoping to be running the Half - which started 30 minutes before we took off! So my eyes were on super-patrol, trying to track down my friend and the two running-bloggers! 2 for 3 isn't too bad! But being in the midst of a sea of faces gets a bit overwhelming for me...after a while! I found Melissa and we were making a quit "pit" stop before the Half-ers took off when a "familiar" face walked by! It was neat to be able to meet Suzy and see her right before she took off on her 21.1! Hope you found your timing chip Suzy!! I looked for you after the finish (1:10), but we didn't stay too long - and I don't know if I would have noticed you without the snazzy toque!!  

A little bit after the Half-ers set off, we did a bit of a warm up and we were off!! Melissa got right into the groove! It was an gorgeous day, a gorgeous route and a treat to join her in her first race! She even finished with a better time than she was hoping!! She was going for a 1:15 and we did it in 1:08!! Yay Melis! You did awesome and I am so glad to let me join you in this journey - emotionally and physically!!

So, that's it! No pictures as of yet, but we had a great time! And now...the weekend is done! And we sit here relaxing for the last bit of it we have! Good times! 

Hope you all had a great weekend where you were able to enjoy a memorable time...with a friend!

Have a good night...hope Monday treats you well!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Yup - I'm thankful! And...its Thursday!

Thankful that we've gotten to this point in the week and we're all still kickin'!! Like we've all enjoyed some fresh air - some yummy home-made cookies (oatmeal-raisin and choc.chip) - I've gotten out for my Fartleks and Hills (minus my running partner) - we've nailed down the fact that we're going up to visit Jim's folks during Spring Break...

Count-Down Calendar!!

Thankful that our "Little Miss Grumpy" is slowly becoming the little sweetheart we know is in there!

Thankful that our Little Miss Smiley doesn't let her big sister get her down...or her 10lb diaper ;P

Thankful that we had a BLAST at the Canucks hockey game last weekend, along with loads of fun strolling the streets and shopping at Costco - kids-free! And that they won 7-3!! Thankful, that in times like these, God has chosen to bless up both with full-time jobs...for the time being!

And...thankful that we get to go into town again this weekend, with the girls, and I get to run a 10K race with my friend! Her first race...ever! We'll have a blast... and the girls will get to see "Old Oma and Old Opa" (Jim's grandparents!) and they'll get to see the cows and chickens and feel like we're 'home' again!

Thank-full...seems to sum up how we're feeling these days!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Long Lost Love List

Wow...it's Friday already! As long as the week seems to be taking...Friday always seems to creep up on me!? This week was no different! So - forgetting the fact that I haven't had one of these in a ba-zillion weeks, let's just count down this weeks top ten!

.:1:. For sure - numero uno on this week's list would have to be my family! Jim and I have been enjoying the girls SO MUCH as of late! The stages that they're both at are so enjoyable! We are just savouring these moments we have!

.:2:. A new job title: "Kindergarten Teacher"! I wasn't too sure how much I'd enjoy this knowing that I have currently been teaching Gr. 5/6/7 - switching between the two could cause some major preferences in my attitude! But, this is not the case! When I am with my bigs, I love them! And when I am with my smalls, I love them! Yay!! This position is so specific too, with the concentration being on me working with the Native children in the class and trying to get them to grade-level - working with them, contacting their home support and trying to create a home/school relationship! So fun!!

.:3:. Training for my second Half-Marathon! I love having a running partner this time - the encouragement and accountability! Tomorrow we're set to do a 16k!

.:4:. Sunny days...particularly those of late! It is so enjoyable to get home after work and have the afternoon sun to take the girls out for a walk!

.:5:. Orzo - I know - pretty shallow thing to love, but hey...me and food are like this (crosses fingers)!! And this week I had the pleasure to meet Rachael Ray's Cheesy Orzo along-side some Chicken Parmesan!! Yumm! Definitely one to add to my weekly rotation...and a hit for the girls too!!

.:6:. Counting down to my 10K race with my dear friend! She has wanted to get into running for a while, but didn't have the drive! So...being the loving, caring friend I am...I signed her up for the Fort Langley Historic Half - the 10K version! Yay! I'm looking forward to going with her through her first race experience! Just another thing to add to our list of "Things we've been through together!"

.:7:. Watching Karys create her first pieces of art! I had just been talking to someone about how Karys hadn't yet started drawing anything that looked like...anything! And then...voila! She starts pumping out characters left and right! And, as any Mum would think, "She's pretty good!"

*note: the little lines under the "eyes" of this person are said to be tears, "because she's a sad girl, Mummy" - and I am hoping that Jim is wrong in his assumption that she's drawing sad girls because that's how she feels inside! :(

.:8:. Being able to french-braid Avery's hair! She's got so much, I've gotta do something with it!

.:9:. Looking forward to what God has in store for our lives in the near future!
.:10:. Early Valentine's! Tomorrow, after my 16K, Jim and I are heading into the big city for the night to enjoy some surprise hockey tickets! Canucks vs. Blackhawks!! We're SO looking forward to wandering Robson, taking in a Hockey game, and spending some time with his Oma and Opa!
Hope your weekend proves to be enjoyable!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Beautiful Girl!

Don't you think??

Yup - just a regular day around the house - wearing our jammies and pokey braids?!

No...it's actually Jammie and Wacky Hair Day at Karys' preschool today!! We had a lot of fun getting her ready for her day! And now...off I must run, to get myself ready - don't have to try too hard for me to look wacky:P
Hope your Tuesday is...wacky!