Friday, July 27, 2012

ponderings of soap suds and frying pans

a long day...hours of summer heat pounding down...soaking it up for these days will pass

kids playing...bickering...helping...bickering...

this season will all too soon come to an end...summer, childhood...

a long day...sister helps all night hopes to raise funds for hopes, mine, to teach the importance of money, the blessing of provision...maybe she's being taught, but i am learning

learning to be thankful for provision

learning to gather the small things and enjoy

learning to take the moments, the ones that too often pass by unnoticed...and not rush...but to savour

a long day...setting out crafts, creations of my the summer heat

hours playing...bickering...helping...bickering...

the sun sets...the creations of my hands are placed back in their safe sit ready for next week

all is packed away...craft and crafted...all to their sweet slumber...

and there it sits...after a long hot day...cast iron with caked on crust of noon...waiting...

on goes the lift the hold...

a lot like life...when pressure comes...when the heat of life is turned up...what do we do?...hold that which has claimed our peace and joy for the fear of the unknown...or let go and look to He Whose plans for us are perfect...?

the water heats up...the noon-time provisions lift...the iron cleaned in hope for tomorrow's blessing

all is quiet after a long day...he sits down and looks at me...the heat and day's laboured duties weighing in his eyes...but all is still...the evening has come...and so hope...for mercies renewed with tomorrow's rising of the sun...the Son's new mercies...

when did it stop being "enough"?

daily duties of buttering toast...wiping faces...moments in quiet, praying for their future selves...wringing out drops of patience...sweeping up crumbs of grace...

why the unsettled feeling of inadequacy...? who said that witnessing and steering the unbridled hope of the child budding, growing up under our rearing, roof, wings' shadow needs to be supplemented...or enhanced by something "other than"...something "outside"...something "more"

what is "more" than the weight, blessing, responsibility of raising tomorrow's women and men...

 these questions roll around...swirling...whispering...waiting...

when did THIS stop being enough...soap suds...morning crumbs and evening spills...cupping an innocent face and pouring out grace...

i fight to keep it...i fight to find its whole significance...its entire weight...the reality of raising up to send out...

and i falter...the still, small voice often gets beaten down by the outside shouts... "only"..."just"..."nothing but"...

and then, in a fleeting moment...almost missed by the pace of the day...i realize...and stop...and remember the treasure of a childhood...parent always present...

this IS enough...this is MORE than enough...not "just"...not "only"...

but wholly...and matchless...and unparalleled...and holy...and hard...but worth it...

so i sit...and wonder...and matter the chaos that matter the peers who find this to be not matter those who try and push the idea that something "other than" holds more meaning or would make me more than "just"...for me, this IS enough... unparallelled...complete...

and happens...and i need reminding...but's seeping, down deep

"If you have died with Christ to material ways of looking at things...why do you live as if you still belong to the world?...Such practices have indeed the outward appearance that popularly passes for wisdom...but they are of no value" ~ Col. 2:20,23

do i want the simple appearance of wisdom...but for my life to lack value?

stand up...and take a few shift the focus from filling up a daily daily living life FULL.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Year end show

 so...SOOO much has much time has passed...not a clue where I ended or where to even begin...

I came across these pictures...thought i'd share them

Another year end show was survived...and enjoyed!!

My girls L.O.V.E. dance...and especially the performing part!

This year was no different...other than they stayed late every show to take part in the finale!!

My little genie

 Mary and her little lamb

the girls in the tent...ready and set to perform!!

gorgeous weather again this year!!'s been over a month since they were on stage and they have NOT stopped choreographing and performing at is so enjoyable to watch them progress in something they both love!

Karys is now counting down the days until she is able to take part in 2 different summer dance camps!!!

...and they are both looking forward to the different classes Fall will bring!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

::quiet time with hubby
::two hearts - one hope
::fresh coffee
::enthusiastic little ladies
::morning walk
::clean water to refresh body
::sweet promises to refresh the soul
::fresh fruit
::true friends
::tonight's Nite Market
::unexpected ways of God's provision...always...rarely early, never late

...thanks for meeting me here, sorry it's been so long...nothing and yet too much to share, unable to find the words and time...hoping to be back soon