Saturday, March 28, 2009


pretty much sums up life these days! Just trying to think about what really matters - God, husband, children! Here's hoping I get some creative juices flowing before I lose each and every one of you!

Until then...I will continue to make Proverbs 3:5-6 my mantra...

~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your way acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight. ~

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Soaking up the 3ft snow!

Well - it won't be a long post...but I finally got connected up here, so I will take the opportunity while it's available!!

We got to Oma and Opa's late Friday night after a LONG week of anticipation - on all of our parts! And thanks to Jim's fervent prayers to NOT have to work we had: one snow day and 2.5 days off for him while he fixed our fuel pump - located conveniently inside the 115L gas tank, which was thankfully almost empty! Praise the Lord my man is handy, because it was a job that would have cost us more than $1000 to fix if we had to bring it in to a shop!! So...once that was all fixed and the snow was on it's way out, we began our journey north-ward! And have been basking in the sun ever since!!
Having fun "practising"...
...on the Snow Day, before we left!

...and this make for a nice, quiet start to our trip!!
This girls are having an absolute BLAST up here with their Oma and Opa and the dogs! It is so cute to watch Karys as she finds things that have been absent for 7 months, she gets this look on her face and says "Mummy...I remember this!!!" Avery, of course, has no recollection of any of her surroundings, but it enjoying herself just the same!! And Jim and I are both in our glory as well - I have been reunited with my scrapbooking/card-making supplies and Jim has the time to be "fixing" little things on our vehicle!
It's amazing to see all the "stuff" we have and have forgotten about becasue it's been in boxes for 7 months!
So...I hope that you all are having a great week -wherever you are!
Oma's Buns and Karys' Buns! YUM...

Plushka (sp??) Delish!!

Big fun with a Big puppy!

She takes this "snow business" very seriously! And has a BLAST!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Still Kickin'

But just not here:(
`'s good these days! And that would explain my absence - it's for good reasons! Nothing in particular, we're just busy...being!
The girls are "funner" than ever and now that I've taken on that extra 1 1/2 hours a day at work, the time that I get at home is taken up...not blogging!
In most recent news - we're all counting down the days to Spring Break! I couldn't tell you who is more excited about going to...100 Mile...Karys or...Jim!! You thought I was going to say "Me" didn't you! Nope, me and 100 Mile didn't hit it off that well! Although I am looking forward to spending time with the in-laws!
So...nine more sleeps and we'll be off...and driving! When everyone else (it seems) on staff is boarding their planes, headed toward their sun-filled, water-drenched hot-spots...I'll be...ah... pulling on the parkas and strapping on the snow-boots, gearing up for some serious - 20 degree good times!
nope...not bit! I know we'll have a blast...a chilly one...where we'll try not to freeze and the only burn we may encounter would be due to the frozen variety... whatever! We'll have fun...seriously! right?? RIGHT!!
And, right now...that's about it! We're busy plugging away and counting the sleeps! Here's hoping you too are looking forward to something in nine more sleeps!!